The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Trip to Xishuangbanna

Yunnan is a wonderful place. I’ve always thought that Yunnan has the richest tourism resources in China, bar none. Among them, there is Xishuangbanna or Sipsongpanna, the tropical paradise that I’m going to introduce to you in depth today.

Xishuangbanna is the ultimate destination for those who love the south. It’s a place where you can feel the warmth of the sun, the breeze of the Mekong River, and the charm of the Dai people. It’s a place where you can see the elephants, the peacocks, the monkeys, and the orchids. It’s a place where you can taste the pineapple rice, the bamboo shoots, the banana leaf wraps, and the Pu’er tea.

Xishuangbanna at night

Travelling to Xishuangbanna wasn’t always this popular. It only became a hot spot in the last two years, thanks to the power of social media. TikTok and Xiaohongshu helped to spread the word about this amazing place, especially the catchy “Daidi” dance (Dai disco) that showcases the local flavor. Daidi, daidi, daidi, bounce up.

This Xishuangbanna travel guide is a very detailed one that I summarized based on my multiple travel experiences. After reading it, you will hopefully know how to travel to Xishuangbanna like a pro.

Who Should Visit Xishuangbanna?

You may have heard the saying: Lijiang for solo travelers, Dali for couples, and Xishuangbanna for families. Xishuangbanna is the ideal destination for family trips, where you can have fun with your loved ones of all ages.

But that doesn’t mean that solo travelers, couples, or friends can’t enjoy travelling to Xishuangbanna. It just means that families can get some extra joy and bonding time there.

Best Things to Do in Xishuangbanna

So, what can you do in Xishuangbanna? Well, there are plenty of attractions to choose from, but they are quite scattered. Basically, except for Jinghong (the city center), there are sights in the east, west, and north of Xishuangbanna.

So, as long as you don’t stay in the farthest towns of Menglun and Menghai, you can stay anywhere else.

Attractions Grouped by Location

North Line:

Wild Elephant Valley, Jinuo Mountain Village, Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park, etc.

East Line:

Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dai Minority Park, Sky Tree, etc.

West Line:

Single Tree Forest, Mengjinglai Village, Hani Cultural Park, Jingmai Mountain, etc.

Xishuangbanna City

Manting Park, Zongfo Temple, Dafo Temple, Golden Pagoda, Starlight Night Market, Riverside Night Market, Daidi Dance, Dai Costume Photo, Dai Show, Xishuangbanna Starbucks, etc.

The north and east lines are must-dos, where you can see the Dai villages in the north and the plants in the east. You need one day for each line.

The city attractions are also must-sees, but they are closer, so one day is enough.

Then, you can arrange one night to go to the Starlight Night Market, one night to watch the Dai Show, and another night to join the Daidi Dance. This way, you will have a complete itinerary.

So, if you want to visit Xishuangbanna, I recommend you to plan at least a 4-day 3-night trip (5-day 4-night would be even better).

Attractions Grouped by Type

Temples and Parks:

Zongfo Temple, Dafo Temple, Jinghong Golden Pagoda (inside Gaozhuang Xishuang Scenic Area), Manting Park

Ethnic Minority Villages:

Mandiu Village, Manzhang Village, Manyuan Village, Manfeilong Village(very delicious food), Jinuo Mountain Village

Natural Scenery:

Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (must-go), Sky Tree, Primitive Forest Park, Single Tree Forest, Mengjinglai Village, Jingmai Mountain


Dai Show (must-watch), Manting Park Lancang River Mekong River Bonfire Party

Local Experience:

Daidi Dance (recommended), Dai Costume Photo


Starlight Night Market (must-go), Riverside Night Market, Jinghong Farmers’ Market, Xishuangbanna Wholesale Market, Mange Fruit Wholesale Market

Activities You Mustn’t Miss in Xishuangbanna

Here are a few things that you must do in Xishuangbanna, the tropical paradise in Yunnan province.

Join the Daidi Dance

There is a bar in Xishuangbanna called BABI, where you can join the Daidi Dance around midnight, for about an hour.

What is Daidi Dance? It’s when everyone wears the traditional costumes of the Dai people, and dances to the fast-paced and catchy music of the Dai culture. The music and the outfits are so irresistible that you can’t help but move your body.

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to dance, there is a Daidi lesson before the dance starts, and you will learn it in no time.

I recorded some videos. This is how you blend in with the locals in Xishuangbanna.

Watch the Dai Show

The Dai Show is really worth watching, the last time I saw such a spectacular show was in The House of Dancing Water in Macau.

Wanda Group invested a whopping 2 billion yuan to build a theater in Xishuangbanna, just for The Dai Show. The theater has only one purpose, to perform The Dai Show every night.

The Dai Show was created by the Cirque du Soleil, and directed by Franco Dragone, the designer of the O in Las Vegas and The House of Dancing Water in Macau. Cirque du Soleil and Franco Dragone, that means the show can’t be bad.

The Dai Show is based on the ancient narrative poem of the Dai people, The Peacock Princess, and tells the story of a young man’s journey of love, temptation, and rebirth.

Before I went to Xishuangbanna, someone recommended The Dai Show to me, saying “If you don’t watch The Dai Show, you wasted your trip to Yunnan”. I didn’t believe it at first, but after I watched it, I thought The Dai Show was really good, and worth a watch.

I’ve seen many shows, and the ones I rated the highest in China are The House of Dancing Water in Macau and The Dai Show in Xishuangbanna.

But The Dai Show is not cheap, the cheapest ticket is 320 yuan per person. I suggest you buy the B section ticket, the view will be relatively better.

Visit the Markets

The Starlight Night Market in Xishuangbanna is a must-go. I always liked to visit the night markets when I traveled to Southeast Asia. There are a lot of things to eat, drink, and play in the night markets, and they are also very cost-effective.

The Starlight Night Market in Xishuangbanna was very impressive, it fully showed the lively atmosphere of Xishuangbanna. The Starlight Night Market is located in Gaozhuang, the most central location in Xishuangbanna. The night market only opens in the evening, and it’s huge! I walked around casually, and it took me 3 hours to get out.

Of course, it’s a tourist night market after all. So the food and the things sold in the night market may not be the cheapest, but they are definitely the most diverse and the most local. I had a dinner in the night market, I ate the Dai-style barbecue and stir-fry, and it tasted good.

There is really a lot to eat in the Starlight Night Market,. The food here mostly has a strong ethnic flavor, and there are also some Thai, Vietnamese, and Burmese dishes.

As for the locals, they go to the Riverside Night Market more often. The Riverside Night Market is more down-to-earth, the things are affordable, but not as good-looking and fun as the Starlight Night Market.

Besides the night markets, we also visited a few vegetable markets, which were also fun. If you want to experience the life of a place, you have to visit the local vegetable markets.

The Jinghong Farmers’ Market, the Xishuangbanna Wholesale Market, and the Mange Fruit Wholesale Market are all quite suitable for visiting. After visiting, my biggest feeling was: the fruits here are so cheap! And there are all kinds of ingredients that I have seen and never seen before.

Take Photos in Dai Costumes

Taking photos in Dai costumes is quite popular in Xishuangbanna. When I went to the night market, I really saw groups of girls dressed in Dai and Thai costumes taking photos at the Golden Pagoda and the Starlight Night Market. There were at least hundreds of them, maybe more.

But most of them were taken by one photographer for multiple girls. Obviously, the photos taken like this are not going to be very good.

I suggest you find a photographer on Taobao in advance, and book a one-on-one shooting. The 99 or 199 yuan one-to-many ones in the night market, just don’t choose them.

Drink Yunnan Coffee

Yunnan produces coffee, and it’s meaningful to drink coffee in Yunnan. It connects the first and the last kilometer of the coffee beans.

There is a Starbucks in Wanda Plaza, which is the only one in Xishuangbanna, and also a pretty one. It’s worth going to check in, and buy a city mug by the way.

Another coffee shop that I recommend is Thai Coffee (傣泐咖啡).

In Xishuangbanna, the internet-famous Lao iced coffee is very popular. I drank a few bags and wanted to try a new flavor, and the driver recommended me a local brand, Thai Coffee (傣泐咖啡). It’s a store that specializes in coffee, and most of the people who buy it are locals, and the delivery orders are also constant. I tried the Lao coconut milk iced coffee and it was amazing.

By the way, the hand-brewed Lao iced coffee on the roadside is also a local feature, and it’s worth a try.

Attractions You Should Visit in Xishuangbanna

Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

When it comes to attractions, the Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is a must-go. It is the only 5A-level scenic spot in Xishuangbanna.

The Tropical Botanical Garden is divided into two areas, east and west, covering a total of 11.25 square kilometers. It has more than 12,000 kinds of plants, including a large area of primitive tropical rainforest.

The ticket is 75 yuan per person, plus 100 yuan for the electric vehicles that cover the whole garden. You can buy them in advance on OTA platforms. I really recommend you to take the electric vehicles, otherwise you will walk yourself to death.

The most popular attraction online is the giant water lily leaves that are available from July to August. Kids can take photos on them, and slim girls should be fine too.

You can also take a hot air balloon ride in the garden, which costs 280 yuan per person and lasts only 10 minutes.

Sky Tree Scenic Area

Another attraction that I think is worth visiting is the Sky Tree. Here you can see towering trees, and a wooden walkway that connects them in the middle. It’s quite refreshing to walk on it.

Dai Minority Villages

For other attractions, I recommend the Dai minority villages, and you can choose one to visit: Mandiu Village, Manzhang Village, Manyuan Village, Manfeilong Village, and Jinuo Village are not very different between them.

If I have to recommend one, I would choose Manfeilong Village, because the roasted chicken there is delicious. And this roasted chicken is made in Manfeilong Village.


For temples, Manting Park, Zongfo Temple, Dafo Temple, Golden Pagoda, and Prajna Temple are all in the Xishuangbanna city, and they are easy to get around, and not too troublesome to visit.

The temples in Xishuangbanna are similar to those in Thailand, and they are very suitable for taking beautiful photos.

Manting Park used to be the royal garden of the Dai king.

Zongfo Temple used to be the place where the highest ruler and the chieftain of Xishuangbanna worshiped Buddha. Zongfo Temple has white peacocks.

Prajna Temple is pure white, and it’s especially easy to take good photos.

If you have to choose one, Mengle Dafo Temple has more activities.

What to Eat in Xishuangbanna?

When you are in Xishuangbanna, you definitely should try the Dai flavors. The Dai cuisine mainly includes Dai barbecue, Dai afternoon tea, peacock feast, pounded dishes, lemongrass grilled fish, lemon grilled fish, etc.

Dai Barbecue

For Dai barbecue, besides the many stalls in the night market, I highly recommend a restaurant called Lao Hui Roasted Chicken. They roast dozens of chickens at a time, and it looks so appetizing.

Besides roasted chicken, they also have some grilled meat and local specialties (fried tofu strips, spicy beef tripe, etc.).

Dai Afternoon Tea

Dai afternoon tea is also worth experiencing. When it comes to afternoon tea, you would normally expect mostly desserts, right? But the Dai afternoon tea is all sour and refreshing.

For example, there is a mango salad, which is salty and spicy, but strangely satisfying. You can find Dai afternoon tea at Crowne Plaza Resort Xishuangbanna Parkview, an IHG hotel.

The Pounded Dishes

The pounded dishes are also super delicious, like pounded chicken feet, pounded potatoes, pounded rice noodles…

What is pounding? It’s when you put various seasonings, garlic, herbs, chili, fried peanuts, etc. together with the cooked main dish into a stone mortar and pound them.

Take the pounded chicken feet as an example, the chicken feet and the seasonings and herbs blend together, and they are spicy, fragrant, and sour.

The Peacock Feast

The peacock feast is also one of the local delicacies, and if you have a large group, it would be suitable. It’s actually a table of Dai dishes, arranged in the shape of a peacock. The taste may not be so special, but it would be a fun culinary experience.

Lao Iced Coffee

And there is also the Lao iced coffee everywhere, which is packed in a paper bag wrapped in a plastic bag. Xishuangbanna is hot, and drinking some ice every day will make you feel great.

For more food guides, you can check out this article.

The Best and Worst Times to Visit Xishuangbanna

There are only two seasons in Xishuangbanna: dry and wet. The dry season is from November to April, and the wet season is from May to October.

Previously, the tourism industry was relatively slow in April-June and September-October, but not this year. I went there in April, and Wanda Vista Resort Xishuangbanna was fully booked, it was crazy.

The summer months of July and August may be rainy, but they are definitely busy too. And then there is November-February, when Xishuangbanna is warm all year round, and the colder it gets in other parts of China, the better the business there.

Where Else Can You Visit Near Xishuangbanna?

Xishuangbanna is part of the southern Yunnan line, and you can also visit Pu’er, Lincang, and Lancang. I suggest you go to Pu’er next. It’s less than two hours by car from Xishuangbanna to Pu’er. Pu’er is where Yunnan produces tea, and it’s worth a visit.

Day 1:

Arrive in Xishuangbanna, and head to the Starlight Night Market in the evening to eat, drink, play, and shop.

Day 2:

City tour (by car or taxi), Manting Park, Zongfo Temple, Dafo Temple, Golden Pagoda. Watch the Dai Show at night, and then go to the Riverside Night Market.

Day 3:

East line, Manfeilong Village, the Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sky Tree. Visit the Starlight Night Market again at night.

Day 4:

Pick either the north or the west line.

Day 5:


Wrapping Up

Tourism in Xishuangbanna will definitely get hotter and hotter. Plus the high-speed rail from Kunming to Xishuangbanna is also open. Before that, the biggest problem with Xishuangbanna tourism was transportation, you could only fly there, but there were few cities that had direct flights to Xishuangbanna, and most had to transfer in Kunming. But now that the high-speed rail is open, it’s much easier to get to Xishuangbanna from Kunming.

Wondering where to stay? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I’ll also write a guide on how to choose hoteles in Xishuangbanna. Stay tuned for the next article.

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